A friend once said
I love Italian food because is honest. The recipes contain a few ingredients, so only ingredients of very good quality can give you a delicious dish.

Merluzzo con datterini e olive
Codfish with tomatoes Datterino and olives
a bit of extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic
4 cod fillets
some tomatoes Datterino
(or other small tomatoes)
some black olives
1 glass of white wine
a bit of chilli
a pinch of fine salt
some parsley
Remove the skin from the tomatoes Datterino; cut the big ones into four pieces, the small ones in half. Wash the olives and remove the stones. Wash the parsley, dry it with a kitchen cloth and chop it into fine pieces.
Pour a bit of extra virgin olive oil in a large pan and warm it up with medium heat. When the oil is warm, cut the clove of garlic into two pieces and add them in the oil. Make them sizzle for a few seconds while stirring with a spoon. Place the cod fillets in the pan, with the skin side touching the pan. Cook for 5 min with medium heat, then add the glass of white whine, which will sizzle for a few seconds. Take the heat down, add the tomatoes, the olives, a bit of chilli and a pinch of fine salt. Put the lid and continue to cook with low heat for around 20 min. You do not need to flip the cod fillets, just pour a bit of the sauce you have in the pan on top of the fish, a few times during the cooking time.
When the cod fillets are ready, place them on a plate together with a bit of sauce, tomatoes and olives. Sprinkle with abundant parsley.